Muzira Music App Development

Muzira Music App Development

Overview and Product Information

Muzira is an app for music lovers, built with the idea of allowing them to enjoy the songs they love without excessive streaming. The app allows users to upload their songs, add their playlists, stream songs from artists they like, get updates about new releases, and play music based on their current mood and emotional state among others.


The PM teams were tasked to monitor the FE and BE teams to complete their tasks within the timeframe given. The PM team 13-15 collaborated to complete the task.

Our goals were to:

• Ensure that the Muzira Web app is built within a week.

• Remove all blockages that can hinder the efficiency of the task.

• Ensure that every PM team member is informed during the process.


• Time: The time given to the teams to complete this task is a week, on Monday 24th, seemed daunting, especially for the engineering teams, but they got inspired by the Product Management team leads, and the PM 15 team lead gave a suggestion for volunteers for the engineering team. This worked as both engineering teams got a volunteer each, and they started helping out on Friday, also an extension of the submission deadline was requested by the Engineering teams which was granted by the Bootcamp coordinator.

• A low number of engineering team members with expertise: This was solved by seeking out volunteers, and both teams were able to get a volunteer each.

Product development Sprints

During our first meeting on 24th April, the task was divided into three sprints which are:

Development: The development is divided into two; Backend and Frontend development. This was carried out separately but the Frontend and Backend teams.

Integration: Linking the frontend and backend development was done after development was done.

Testing: Testing was done simultaneously by the Front end and Backend teams as they develop the two ends of the app, also after the integration was done the PM teams ran testing and Quality assurance on the web app.

First Retrospective Meeting

Our first meeting was attended by leaders of all the Product Management teams and leaders of the Front and Backend teams. We can decide on the modulations and methods which will be applied to manage the team members, communicate, give feedback, organize stand-ups, and how we will encourage other PM team members to participate in the task. We also deliberated on the Sprints for the task and we decided on splitting the task into three sprints/stages with various subtasks for the Product Management teams, Backend, and Frontend teams.

First Standup Meeting

Our first Standup Meeting was organized by PM 13 and 14 leads on the 26th of April, updates and explanation was given concerning the documentation of the product development process. The FE team gave an update that they were 60% done. The mockup/visuals were presented to the PM teams and there were corrections for the FE team. As for the BE team, they were unable to attend the standup because of unforeseen circumstances.

PM 14 team lead suggested that we try to involve other team members as much as we can, so people can be involved and partake in this week's tasks. Other hands have joined Usman PM 13 lead to work on the roadmap

Second Standup Meeting

Our second standup meeting was organized by PM 15 lead on the 26th of April, the FE team updated us that they're done by 75% with the development. The BE team was able to attend and they apologized for being absent at yesterday's standup, the BE gave us an update that they're done with 70% of the Backend development.

Both the BE and FE teams talked about how they will carry out the integration and the resources they needed, and they gave us assurances that Integration will start when they were done.

Concerning the obstacle of less manpower for the Front end and the Backend teams, there were two volunteers from PM 15 who paired with Backend and Frontend teams.

Updates were also given by the PM 15 lead concerning the Product development documentation and all PM team members were encouraged to have a look at it on the click-up workspace doc.

Steps in the Product Development Process

1. Creating a Clickup Workspace for all the team members: to onboard and communicate on the task.

2. Creating the product Development Roadmap on Jira: to monitor the product development Stages and the sprints and various subtasks under each sprint.

3. Planning and Sorting out Obstacles for the FE and BE teams: Various obstacles posed a threat to the completion of the task, the major threat was a low number of team members with expertise to carry out the task. During our Retrospective Meeting on the 24th, PM 15 lead suggested we seek volunteers and we were able to get two volunteers from PM 15.

5. Development of the Front and Back ends of the Product: This process started on Tuesday and lasted till Saturday before integration started fully.

6. Product Development Documentation: The product development process was documented as a report to keep track of what has been done and the Features that have been completed by the product management teams.

7. Integration of the Front End and Back End: This involves making the backend and frontend interface work together as one to make the music web app run efficiently, afterwards testing will be done by the product managers.

8. Testing and Quality Assurance: The product management team members will test the music web app for quality assurance, and make sure all the features were done and with no bugs detected before shipping the music app.

9. Launch: Muzira will be launched successfully for public use after, Quality Assurance testing by the Product managers has been done, and all sprints, and sub-tasks completed for Development, Integration, and Testing have been done.

It has been a hectic week but we have been nourished by this experience, we have worked on creating Product ideas, writing the PRD, visualizing the user flow and every other product formulation essentials, we have worked a Product Design team to visualize the products we created, this week we worked with a engineering teams to bring a product to life. It has been nourishing and has been a great learning curve.